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It was a simple process for me to adopt, I just had to follow my own rules…

* Lock-down due to immune and health reasons, both Jack and I. Check
* Find some hobbies to curve the boredom and retain sanity. Check
* Only do what bring joy and creativity together. Check
* No procrastination, get it done. Check

They aren’t the hardest of rules to follow, never set yourself up for failure unless that’s the aim?

An opportunity presented itself and we jumped on it. In all fairness I had been documenting my health journey and it all felt natural but still the thought of showing our work was daunting, it helped that my son shared the process and the angst, he’s a real trooper when he plays the game.

Below is our very first freestyle short horror. It allowed us to try all the aspects of film-making except the audio process, no voices as yet, we will stick to mastering the visual first.

The footage below is not particularly good but it showed both Jack and I that with a bit of effort, some running and a whole lot of laughs, you can pull a rabbit out of the hat, no matter who deep the rabbits hole goes.